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TL:DR Będzie nowy algorytm Allium który będzie połączeniem Lyra2REv2 i blake2s, zablokuje to ASIC i kopanie przez NiceHash, coś fantastycznego.
#garlicoin #kryptowaluty

After days of mulling over what algorithm to pick, we still had arguing between one or the other, increasing the N factor or Lyra2REv2. If we picked increasing the N factor, it would slow down the ASICs but they would still be an issue, plus it would adversely affect lower tier graphics cards. If we went with Lyra2REv2 we would become a target of NiceHash which would mean Garlicoin would become a haven for pump and dump schemes.

Being a community coin we wanted none of that, so we decided to explore developing our own algorithm. Nothing too complex, simply pipelining two different algorithms together. That way ASICs would be left in the dust and NiceHash wouldn't be able to support us. The algorithm that we got working just an hour ago (with CPUminer and CCminer support so far) is simply a chain of blake2s -> lyra2REv2. We call this new algorithm Allium. You can inspect the changes yourself in the following repos:




(will post sgminer repo when finished)

NOTE: We will not fork until we give the exchanges the heads up, 2 days after we finish up the binaries and are ready to go
  • 11
@vomar: czy przez fork te coinsy teraz wykopane stracą wartość? czy dostaniemy równowartość w nowym czosnku? czyli jak przykładowo mam 200 grlc teraz to co z tym będzie?