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Motzne uderzenie The New York Times w Profesora Petersona.

Jordan Peterson, Kustosz Patriarchatu

He tells his audiences that they are smart. He is bringing them knowledge, yes, but it is knowledge that they already know and feel in their bones. He casts this as ancient wisdom, delivered through religious allegories and fairy tales which contain truth, he says, that modern society has forgotten.

Wherever he goes, he speaks in sermons about the inevitability of who we must be. “You know you can say, ‘Well isn’t it unfortunate that chaos is represented by the feminine’ — well, it might be unfortunate, but it doesn’t matter because that is how it’s represented. It’s been represented like that forever. And there are reasons for it. You can’t change it. It’s not possible. This is underneath everything. If you change those basic categories, people wouldn’t be human anymore. They’d be something else. They’d be transhuman or something. We wouldn’t be able to talk to these new creatures.”

So he was radicalized, he says, because the “radical left” wants to eliminate hierarchies, which he says are the natural order of the world. (...) The left, he believes, refuses to admit that men might be in charge because they are better at it. “The people who hold that our culture is an oppressive patriarchy, they don’t want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence,” he said.

Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married. “He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end. “Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.”

I laugh, because it is absurd.

“You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”

To Naureen Shameem, who works at the Association for Women’s Rights in Development, which is based in Canada, Mr. Peterson’s philosophies are part of a bigger global backlash to gender equality progress.

“It’s an old story, really,” she said. “In a lot of nationalistic projects, women’s bodies and sexualities become important sites of focus and control.”

#jordanpeterson #publicystyka #spoleczenstwo #przegryw
TerapeutyczneMruczenie - Motzne uderzenie The New York Times w Profesora Petersona.

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"Mocne uderzenie w Petersona" - zależy z której perspektywy się patrzy. Dla ludzi, dla których mocnym uderzeniem jest spotkanie z rzeczywistością, rzeczywiście mocnym uderzeniem w Petersona będzie ten tekst. Dla kogoś, kto nie akceptuje rzeczywistości, realistyczny jej opis jest nie do zaakceptowania i dla takich ludzi relacjonowanie faktów jest obciążające, bo to rani ich uczucia i wyobrażenia o "wspaniałym świecie" bez granic.
A akurat "New York Times" i ludzie którzy go tworzą mają spory problem na gruncie cywilizacyjnym z ludzkimi granicami, szczególnie z granicami ludzi i społeczności z kultury łacińskiej.