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Trzydziestoletnia Mareena Robinson Snowden jest pierwszą czarnoskórą kobietą, która otrzymałą doktorat na MIT z energetyki jądrowej.

When Mareena Robinson Snowden walked across the commencement stage at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) on June 8th, she became the first black woman to earn a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the storied university.

For her, there was one particular word that the experience brought to mind: grateful.

"Grateful for every part of this experience — highs and lows," she wrote on Instagram. "Every person who supported me and those who didn't. Grateful for a praying family, a husband who took on this challenge as his own, sisters who reminded me at every stage how powerful I am, friends who inspired me to fight harder. Grateful for the professors who fought for and against me. Every experience on this journey was necessary, and I'm better for it."

[Całość, Link [EN]](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/18/first-black-woman-earns-a-phd-in-nuclear-engineering-from-mit.html)

#ejdlakazdego <- mój tag, nie chcesz czytać jądrowych niusów - czarnolistuj
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Trzydziestoletnia Mar...

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