Wpis z mikrobloga

Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party, and on Tuesday, August 28th, I will do an AMA at 18:30 CET.

Right now my work focuses on the ongoing copyright reform, including trying to prevent the introduction of an ancillary copyright (art 11, also known as the #linktax) and mandatory upload filters (article 13, also known as #censorshipmachines). You might have heard about the discussion under the #acta2 or #saveyourinternet hashtags as well.

I look forward to hearing your questions!
juliaredamep - Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Par...

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Hello Julia! Great to have you here!

What's your stand on copying as a so called "theft". Today's intellectual property laws are being treated somehow as standard (original) property laws where theft implies depriving somebody from his original property.
It is impossible to steal something if owner still has his original belongings. Most of peoples moral judgment is being mislead mainly on that linguistic closeness of both "definitions" or rather their names.