Wpis z mikrobloga

@sebsossj: Nie podałeś źródła: https://9gag.com/gag/ap5gZy9

Newspaper said she was drunk.

Captain here: This happened today here in Austria in Linz. This 49 year old woman drove on the wrong side of the road and crashed into a car, then fleed and caused 3 other traffic accidents, all within 45 minutes. Then finally police stopped her, after she refused to do an alcohol test they took her drivers license away. Noone was
Pawci0o - @sebsossj: Nie podałeś źródła: https://9gag.com/gag/ap5gZy9

Newspaper sa...

źródło: comment_DOwRUrF3cGMWCvDTJrsbzAPG4hVkYaEs.jpg
