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Nowy [ podcast]( https://podcast.mindandlife.org/richie-davidson/?fbclid=IwAR3Yl9t8WJkD5447C5LhWYMiyHhUyW8L4kFfzz_IUS1J4xyNzH2UCQc8xm8) z neuronaukowcem, psychologiem Dr. Richardem Davidson'em pionierem 'contemplative science'.

Poruszane tematy:
his early interest in the mind and experiences with meditation;
the beginnings of meditation research, and a challenge from the Dalai Lama;
what we know (and don’t know) about how meditation changes the brain;
how investigating the self can lead to resilience;
current challenges to the field of contemplative science;
the need for research on analytic meditation;
negative findings and publication bias;
promises and pitfalls of research on psychedelics;
the value of training well-being, and other topics.

#medytacja #nauka #psychologia #mindfulness #buddyzm #hinduizm #yoga #joga
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