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#programowanie #python #pyheart

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (8-14 lutego 2021) na https://pyheart.pl. Podsumowania można śledzić obserwując tag #pyheart.

Link do podsumowania zeszłego tygodnia znajduje się tutaj.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:
Artykuły (16)
1. BetterProgramming - Make a CLI in 50 Lines of Python Code
2. DigitalOcean - How To Write Doctests in Python
3. Ten thousand meters - Python behind the scenes #8: how Python integers work
4. TestDriven.io - Introduction to Machine Learning Reliability Engineering
5. JustDjango - Django and Stripe Payments Tutorial
6. RealPython - Python Microservices With gRPC
7. Adam Johnson - New Testing Features in Django 3.2
8. TestDriven.io - Sessions in Flask
9. BetterProgramming - Floating Point Numbers Are Weird in Python — Here’s How To Fix Them
10. BetterProgramming - Recursion in Python
11. Matt Layman - How To Use Htmx In Django
12. Twilio Blog - Build a Real-Time Kanban Board with Python, JavaScript and Twilio Sync
13. RealPython - Python Inner Functions: What Are They Good For?
14. BetterProgramming - WebSockets and AsyncIO: Beyond 5-line Samples (Part 1)
15. Twilio Blog - Programming the Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller with MicroPython
16. Machine Learning Mastery - Function Optimization With SciPy

YouTube (12)
1. Pyplane - Python list comprehension + dictionary comprehension with examples | Python tutorial 2021 #1
2. NeuralNine - Publish Your Own Python Package
3. Kacper Sieradziński - Git jest git! Jak zostać kontrybutorem?
4. NeuralNine - Visualizing Bitcoin in Python
5. PythonProgrammer - Calculate the inverse of a matrix using Numpy
6. Pyplane - Django tutorial 2021 | Django Social Network project 2.0 with Javascript - part 4
7. freeCodeCamp - Python Project - Ameritrade API Stock Screener
8. don't use time.time() for performance measurement (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #230
9. NeuralNine - Argument Parsing - Advanced Python Tutorial #4
10. Python Engineer - Build A Stock Prediction Web App In Python
11. NeuralNine - Generators - Advanced Python Tutorial #3
12. Learn Python With Rune - Financial Data Analysis with Python - Full Course Part 2/8 - Series from Pandas

Podkasty (5)
1. Test & Code (#144) - TDD in Science - Martin Héroux
2. Talk Python To Me (#303) - Python for Astronomy with Dr. Becky
3. PythonBytes (#220) - What, why, and where of friendly errors in Python
4. Podcast._init_ (#301) - Giving Your Data Science Projects And Teams A Home At DagsHub
5. Test & Code (#143) - pytest markers - Anthony Sottile

Newslettery (1)
1. Django News (#62)

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