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@Saprofit: @elozapiekanka: Przecież modlitwa czy ogólnie medytacja ma potwierdzony pozytywny wpływ na organizm. Nie chodzi tu oczywiście o jakieś cudowne działanie, ale jest to odpoczynek dla mózgu, w wielu kulturach da się spotkać takie praktyki w stylu powtarzania mantr itd. W przypadku opa zwycięzca jest oczywisty, ale jeśli wzięłoby się dwóch takich samych kolarzy, a jeden by praktykował modlitwe, medytacje, wizualizację to jestem pewny, że zystałby przewagę.

During the process of meditation, accumulated stresses are removed, energy is increased, and health is positively affected overall.[7] Research has confirmed a myriad of health benefits associated with the practice of meditation. These include stress reduction,[1,2,17,18,19,20] decreased anxiety,[1,17,19,21,22] decreased depression,[1,17,18,23,24] reduction in pain (both physical and psychological),[2,25,26] improved memory,[2,27] and increased efficiency.[12,28,29,30] Physiological benefits include reduced blood pressure,[2,31,32,33] heart rate,[2,16] lactate,[15,34] cortisol,[35,36,37] and epinephrine;[38] decreased metabolism,[15] breathing pattern,[39,40] oxygen utilization,

Via (a) present-centered attention and (b) acceptance of experience, mindfulness meditation has been found to be effective in achieving optimal athletic performance through decreasing the level of anxiety, ruminative thinking, and enhancing the experience of flow (see Birrer et al. 2012 and Pineau et al. 2014, for a review).


MM (mindfulness meditation) training has preliminarily been shown to provide benefits for athletes including factors related to enhanced performance.
