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Wojciech Paweł "Major" Suchodolski of the Janina coat of arms, also known as Suchy, General, Nitrodolski, Laluś, Mołaj [1], Ostrich, Parasite, Jajor, Najor, Kajor, 00jor or just yor (born on August 27, 1974 in Bialystok) - roommate Krzysztof Kononowicz, vice-chairman of the Bureau of Civil Intervention, second main character of School Universe 17. Veteran of War in Bombas, also creator and promoter of the bombbar, which he uses alternately with the Polish language. A connoisseur of solvent and God's denaturate. He received various distinctions for scientific achievements in the field of astrophysics. In 2019 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. It has a characteristic cap in which its potential is unlocked.

Seriously, he is an illiterate, a drug addict, an alcoholic and a parasite on Kononowicz's pot (which in turn is a parasite on the MOPS pot), sporadically also a parasite and an aggressor. He worked as a turner, cook and warmer, applied to an economic school but, as you can see, it did not work out.

Wojtek is a stray man who, as he admitted, "may live in the yard". From an early age, he caused educational problems. His mother lived for a time in New York, where she also reportedly died in 1990. He graduated from elementary school at the Youth Educational Center in Kamienica Elbląska. In 1994, Major was heavily hospitalized with a ruptured colon ulcer, where he was miraculously rescued. With Krzysztof Kononowicz, he met on Christmas Eve at St. Andrzej Bobola, where the parish priest distributed parcels to those in need. The classics have already passed the question of one friend to the chairman of Mr. Krzysztof's committee "do you want to have a friend?". Of course, it was Mr Wojciech, who led the life of a freelancer.

The very likely debut of Major in the Universe before the camera is in this film, in which he openly criticizes Wojciech Jaruzelski's former activities. In 2015, the first director of the channel brought uniform wz. 69 captain of the Military Air Force of the USSR, so in this way Wojtek became a Major from an ordinary boy (he was demoted to a two-star second lieutenant). It's a Catholic religion. His favorite beer is Żubr ("I can drink one beer a day," "I'm not an olechoo in general"), knows the basics of the Belarusian language. He is a turner by profession. He also has experience in insulating buildings. He worked on the kitchen at ZK Tarnów, which clearly tells the lie of propaganda dissolved by enemies that Major was in prison in the so-called. cwelem (employment of a cwela in the prison kitchen would cause a rebellion of prisoners because in the prison subculture, the consumption of food prepared by the cwela results in the acquisition of such status by the person eating the meal). Hence Wojtek's frequent reference to the fact that he worked in the prison kitchen in response to the accusations of being a census. For this he is known for many years of visits to prisons, where he arrived for a total of 10 years.

She often complains about social care that she did not give him enough, claiming that he owes much more to the Polish state. Wojtek does not work for this, he often lands in sobering-up centers ("I'm not an olecherist anymore"). He claims that in his career in Ukraine alone he personally disarmed 12 atomic bombs (tiaaa); has the power to drive a forklift. Decorated with the Cross of Valor. Since the consumption of various solvents and olives is excessive, it is probably an "alphabet" - but it claims that it is not an olechoo. He has such eaten taste buds that he can zero the quarter of Soplica vodka in a few seconds. The owner of the incredibly aggressive Sting and the inexhaustible source of libido - does not recognize the use of condoms. He probably has an illegitimate son. He happens to have gastric problems after drinking sour milk or eating curd cheese. A friend of Nerka. His middle name is Paweł. [3] It was adopted after the Polish Pope, which closes discussions about the Major's insanity.

The complete character, which despite the wave of hats, is characterized by sincerity ("I'm not fucking in a dance"), uncompromising ("as long as the whore is not going to bounce") and contempt for the authorities. There are often conflicts between him and Krzysztof, mainly due to the claiming attitude of the owner of the Presidential Palace on Szkolna Street (cry on cue, etc.). Wojtek can not be accused of begging, maybe apart from the appeal for the Internet, in general he is not as demanding as his companion. In the opinion of many fans, the Chairman's channel would be boring if not for Major's comments. Wojciech often boasts in his films with his sexual condition and adventures after taking appropriate measures, he is even called "global erotomaniac".
Before he was adopted by Konon, he allegedly lived on Świętojańska 13. He drives by public transport, without using tickets, which has already got into trouble (the total amount of seats is 86,000 PLN), but he went to the self-proclaimed president of our city with a ticket file to by abusing his immense power, he discarded them in the City Hall (emotional blackmail).

Some of Knur's viewers hate him, accusing him, among other things, feeding on Konon and being very unpleasant towards him. Others, however, say that Nibemben deserves such treatment and supports Wojtek's protests. Receives calls with threats.

Since 2017, he has been running a cooking series, Major Psznie.
His late father was a fireman. He was stationed at the provincial headquarters at ul. Warszawska in Bialystok.

January 9, 2018 (incidentally after the departure of Antoni Macierewicz from the post of the Minister of National Defense) Major Wojciech Suchodolski was promoted to the rank of general (he was, however, soon demoted to the rank of major)
On January 17, 2018, on behalf of Wanda, Social and Educational Actor and Seweryn the Son of the Cash Earth, on behalf of Pałuk (according to Kononowicz "Pół Pałk", according to Major "Pułk"), Major Wojciech Suchodolski was awarded by the Pałucka Land (This Earth).

On January 17, 2018, on behalf of Wanda, Social and Educational Actor and Seweryn the Son of the Cash Earth, on behalf of Pałuk (according to Kononowicz "Pół Pałk") Major Maj. Suchodolski was awarded the Pałuki Land (the Earth) with the Cross of Valor 1920 after first time. Soon after, he received another award of the Bronze Medal of the Armed Forces in the Service of the Fatherland.

On 1 June 2018, Major Suchodolski was missing, not returning to the Presidential Palace for the night, without leaving any notification to the President of God. Rumor has spread that Sukhodolski died, which resulted in God's Mourning organized by President Kononowicz, a few hours after disappearance and after making a dozen or so calls to prominent political figures of the world. Civil condolences and mourning letters began to flow into the Office of Civil Initiatives, which caused the failure of global internet servers and social networking sites. [4]

Major Suchodolski found himself soon after proclaiming the Mourning of God, claiming he was on the beach. [5]

On July 29, 2018, in a fit of anger, he fired his phone against the wall, but what? Can not afford it ?!

From August 2018, he remains in an unresolved conflict with Mariusz from Krzaków, who accused him of raping a 14-year-old. Major maintains that he was not sitting behind the deck and there was no such thing.

The end of 2018 abounds in frequent nitrotrips 00jora called by him "colds". Many times it happens that he does not return home at night, thus fomenting Kononowicz's fears. One of the trips ends with a fight. Kononowicz is punishing Major for the first time and tries to get him out of the house. Major, I do not want to leave, he claims to be permanently registered. The described situation is not a cause, but a continuation of Major's behavior towards Kononowicz. Wojtek seems still annoyed by Krysia's presence in a wooden house, watching videos from 2018, you can see how easily he explodes and goes on a nibe after a rag, even with everyday vlogs on which he shows how he pushes them. Less in November 2018 as a result of Kajor's described behavior, a spectator rebellion begins and Major's films are massively reported and dislicked. The major threatens to stop recording videos if it still does - does not meet his threat.

The major staying with Konon and exposed to public viewing changes. From a funny, a clown, a nitroholic and a sex addict, he becomes a figure that reminds us of the stereotypical ex-prisoner, the homeless, a demoralized man who methodically uses intimidation on Kiek, haunting the poor Warmian. What Major does does not please many viewers.

Parallel to the tragic events of December 2018, a new editor appears - Fiedorczuk, his debut film and lajty, are commercially successful and are warmly welcomed, and the December 14 by many critics and congoologists will be described as "The Brilliant Lajt" "a great lajt of God." However, the Major directed by his editors and the specter of independence for his Ksiek sets against Fiedorczuk Bemben and fussed him from his position. Shortly after a few weeks, Fiedorczuk returns.

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