Wpis z mikrobloga

Takie cos startuje o 21, nic o tym nie wiem po za tym, ze byl presale na 150 bnb

Token name: WitcherVerse
KYC/Audit: https://www.dessertswap.finance/idverified.html

The presale for Witcher is tomorrow and they will have staking from the get go which I think is quite smart as it will encourage people to hold and make gains via staking whilst stabilising price reducing circulating supply.

They will have WitcherPunks NFT’s and plan for a P2E which often is a nice price driver. The marketing tax should allow this project to be marketed well as long as it is used in the right places.

I think with staking right away and near-future aspects announced, it will be good for a mid term hold with profit taking along the way. For it to turn long term I think we need to see some more unique features added.

Whitelist Comp: https://sweepwidget.com/view/43388-nogh708v
TG: https://t.me/witcherverse
Web: https://witcherverse.net (https://witcherverse.net/)/

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