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Ostatnio Elon i twitter zawiązali umowę z byłym dziennikarzem CNN, Don Lemonem na transmisje jego show w jego platformie. Pierwszy wywiad miał być przeprowadzony z samym Muskiem. Lemon jednak zadał mu kilka niezbyt wygodnych pytań przez co Elon się obraził i rozwiązał umowę xD
Dlaczego ci wszyscy prawicowcy co tak miłują wolność słowa jak Musk czy Ben Shapiro to takie płatki śniegu?

Tutaj wstawiam cytat samemgo Lemona o Elonie Musku i wywiadu z nim.

Don Lemon Tells All: CNN, Nikki Haley, His Battle with Elon Musk and Who You Won’t See on His New Show (Exclusive)

The possibility of Elon Musk being unpredictable and erratic, yeah. Of course I knew that. I went into this with my eyes open. I've interviewed many world leaders, presidents to convicts, and no one has been more sensitive or touchy than Elon Musk. And during the interview and during other interviews, he constantly says he doesn't care what people write or say about him. For someone who doesn't care about what people write or say about him, he sure does care about what people write or say about him. He's not used to being held to account. He's not used to having to answer to anyone, especially someone like me who doesn't share his worldview, who doesn't look like him. You know what I'm saying? When I questioned him about things that he put out on social media, posted or tweeted, that weren't factual, it was very uncomfortable for him. To the point to where [he and his team] wanted to see the interview before it aired. Which was a a big capital N no.

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Al-3_x - Ostatnio Elon i twitter zawiązali umowę z byłym dziennikarzem CNN, Don Lemon...

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To the point to where [he and his team] wanted to see the interview before it aired. Which was a a big capital N no.

@Al-3_x: a co w tym złego, żeby potwierdzić materiał przed wypuszczeniem. Ja bym nie chciał, żeby ktoś moje wypowiedzi mógł sobie poskładać dowolnie i wypuścić bez mojego wcześniejszego potwierdzenia.