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As far as supplementation goes, zinc stands alone with the most evidence pointing toward a beneficial effect on acne, however moderate that effect may be. Over-the-counter zinc supplements normally come in 30-50mg tablets. The National Institutes of Health put tolerable levels of zinc for adults at 40mg a day.1 Zinc gluconate may be a better choice than zinc sulfate due to its superior bioavailability. Since meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in Western diets, vegetarians may want to take special care to ensure they are ingesting adequate amounts of zinc. A systematic review of medical literature in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology concludes, "The preponderance of evidence suggests zinc has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and that it may decrease sebum production."2 6% of our body's supply of zinc is in our skin,3 and after years of study and quite a bit of evidence, it appears that zinc supplementation may help with acne symptoms.

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W ogóle polecam tę stronę acne.org - kopalnia wiedzy, aż się dziwię że nie natrafiłem na nią wcześniej.

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