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@Platinii: You can do whatever you want. The question you should ask is whether that will get you better results. Will your Deadlift increase faster? And the answer to that is no.

First, there’s a big overlap in the muscles used on the big fives. Deadlifts are like half Squats. Rows strengthen your back. Presses strengthen your arms. Your whole body gets strong. So your Deadlift increases fine with only one
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@Platinii: bo to w zupelnosci wystarczy, progresujac w siadzie chcac nie chcac i tak poprawisz wynik w martwym, a jeszcze jak bedziesz robil nawet 1 czy 2 serie w tygodniu to juz w ogole cie #!$%@? jak odbyt saszki
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