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#codziennylinustorvalds 21/32

(...)people read me a different way from how they used to. It used to be a more free-wheeling environment, and we were a group of geeks having fun and playing around. It's not quite the same environment any more. It's not as personal, for one thing—we have thousands of people involved with development now(...)

And part of the whole "read me in a different way" is that people take me seriously in a way they didn't do back in 1994. And that's absolutely not some kind of complaint about how I wasn't taken seriously back then—quite the reverse. It's more me grumbling that people take me much too seriously now, and I can't say silly stupid cr*p any more.

Linux Journal, 02.03.2019
Polecam cały wywaiad, co ciekawe został on przeprowadzony przez Roberta Younga - założyciela Red Hata
#linux #programista15k #komputery #cytatywielkichludzi #cytaty #heheszki #programowanie
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