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@pazernik_szczuromord: Good evening. Something... something got broken and I couldn't be heard, so I'll repeat again. The electoral result of Stonoga's Committee is some kind of failure, I think this Polish fucking dumb society, this fucking bunch of imbeciles who voted for these bitches cockroaches of PiS, this is some fucking misunderstanding. If it matters to you so little... If it matters to so little, people, such social activism as mine, where I put my family, my private life, my business and everything else on the line and for you it was worth only fucking 70 or 80 thousand votes, you ought to get fucked, you ought to get fucked as hard as PiS can fuck you. The Platform hadn't fucked you as hard as PiS will fucking fuck you. Your fucking butts
will itch from pain.
This is a tragedy. This is a tragedy, that in this antihuman country, a country where the media couldn't fucking tell that Zbigniew Stonoga has been desecrated, that this man has been acquitted 118 times, that these judicial WHORES! I repeat, judicial WHORES! judicial WHORES had been baselessly accusing this man and then acquitted him after many years; that this isn't enough to elect this man into parliament.
PiS will fuck you in the ass, PiS will fucking fuck you harder than the Platform ever did. This bitch, this little cockroach, fucking piece of trash Kaczyński will destroy you, Sumlińskis, Kanias, Rachońs, Republika TVs will fucking take away the taste of life from you, you fucking idiots. National Polish idiots. I don't fucking give a shit, because I can afford anything. I'm going to fucking live like THAT! I'm going to
get the fuck out of here tonight, ticket out of Poland has been already bought, and I will fucking laugh at you Polish suckers, that you're so dumb, such cretins, who voted this PiS garbage into power.
Not for JKM, not for Stonoga, but for some bitches Petru, assfucked fucking Jews, for fucking maniacs Kukizes they did vote. This is the fucking Poland. Because of fucking Poland, because of you fucking dicks nothing will change in this country, because you're pieces of shit and one
should fuck you, fuck you hard and profit from you, because you're a bunch of national fuckers and losers. Do you understand this?
And you sweethearts who voted for me, who have supported me, thank you. Because it's a handful of Poles, handful of Poles, today it's maybe 70 thousand people, maybe 80. (Turn off that phone or I'll turn it off for good.) Yes, yes, only fucking this is good in this fucking Poland. At last I tell you right in your mugs you garbage, that you're boorish, that your
fucking credit fucking cards are your glory, your dignity. Fucking corporate job and debit card, this is you fucking Poles, to hell with you.
It wasn't fucking worth it, it wasn't worth doing anything... to... fucking waste of time talking, fucking waste of my mouth. May you... Listen. Those of you who, stupid fuckers, voted for PiS, go to hell, you're fucking worthless, you're anti-Poles. Good night. What's up, fucking faggot? What did you want to say? OK, well, I get the fuck out now. Fuck, it wasn't worth 9 indictments, it wasn't worth it to expose Waitergate. Stupid Poland, stupid pollacks, the only right thing to do with you is to put you into Auschwitz, turn on the ovens. It wasn't worth it, you stupid dicks, you.
