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O nie, bakterie Streptococcus oraz roslinne antyoksydanty nie uchronily cholesterolu przed utlenieniem do oxLDL. xD

The dietary intake of total fat was 70 g per day at baseline and decreased to 56 g (low-fat, low-vegetable diet) and to 59 g (low-fat, high-vegetable diet). The saturated fat intake decreasedfrom 28 g to 20 g and to 19 g, and the amount of polyunsaturated fat intake increased from 11 g to 13 g and to 19 g(baseline; low-fat, low-vegetable; low-fat, high-vegetable; respectively)

In conclusion, we found that a diet traditionally considered to be anti-atherogenic (low in saturated fat and high in polyunsaturated fat and naturally occurring antioxidants) increased plasma levels of circulating oxidized LDL and Lp(a). The question of whether the changes observed in the present study are, in fact, pro-atherogenic or anti-atherogenic remains to be solved.

#dieta #lfhc plus #pufa #glukoza to zuooo xD #nauka #gruparatowaniapoziomu #serce

Pobierz NooB1980 - O nie, bakterie Streptococcus oraz roslinne antyoksydanty nie uchronily ch...
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@NooB1980: Nie bez powodu koncerny w latch 90 i nie tylko wylozyly ogromne pieniadze by przekonac spoleczenstwo ze ich cukierowe produkty są zdrowe a tluszcz to choroby serca i śmierć. Nawet do tej pory jest pelno produktow low-fat XD Za kilka dekad moze uda sie połapać, ze keto to zdrowie, kardioprotekcja i prawdziwa przeciwmiazdzycowa dieta