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O znalazłem.
W sierpniu ma powstać grupa złożona z historyków i naukowców, którzy będą mieli za zadanie dokonywać ekshumacji i pochować ofiary na wołyniu, nikt ekshumacji nie blokuje. :D
Zezwolenia były wydane już w 2019, tylko plany pokrzyżował covid.
Jednocześnie on ma nadzieje na odbudowanie pomnika z imionami, na który IPN wyraził zgode (a który został 2 razy zniszczony przez ruskie siły), pomnika UPA walczących z ruskim NKWD którzy polegli w polskich lasach.


- The other day, the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Volyn tragedy took place, which caused a significant response in Poland. On this occasion, pro-Russian forces held a large-scale rally near the Ukrainian embassy, ​​which even a year ago no one could have thought of. How to disarm the topic of the Volyn tragedy so that it does not hang like a " sword of Damocles " over bilateral relations and so that this issue is not played out by third powers, in particular Russia?

- I believe that significant progress has been observed in the field of reconciliation and integration. We focus our efforts on honoring the memory of the innocent victims of the Volyn tragedy and do it consistently. Last year, on behalf of the President of Ukraine, I laid a wreath at the monument to the victims of the Volyn tragedy in Warsaw as part of the state commemoration of these anniversaries. This year, the second person in the state - the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk - arrived in Warsaw, where he took part in the commemoration of the victims of the Volyn tragedy with the leadership of the Polish state. For the first time, the two Presidents of both countries met in the Cathedral in Lutsk, where the victims of this tragedy were commemorated for both nations. This shows that we increasingly understand the sensitivity of this topic for the Polish people and are becoming more open to discussing these difficult pages of history.

I believe that the only recipe for solving these problems is a frank and sincere dialogue that should take place between the relevant institutions in Ukraine and Poland and historians, we should jointly research the topic and jointly determine the facts and circumstances of the events of that time. We are moving towards this: in August, the first meeting of the newly created working group will be held at the level of deputy ministers of culture of Ukraine and Poland.

- This working group was created within the framework of the memorandum signed last year between the ministries of culture of Ukraine and Poland. The work of this group should be aimed at settling all issues in the field of national memory. We have high hopes for the work of this group, which will allow us to depoliticize this topic to a large extent and to move it into the direction of practical and professional cooperation. On the Ukrainian side, it will be headed by Deputy Minister Kateryna Chuyeva, and on the Polish side by Deputy Minister of Culture Yaroslav Sellin.

This cooperation should consist in properly honoring the memory of all the victims of the events of that time by name and surname. Here it is important that all exhumation and search works take place on the basis of the legislation of both countries. The purpose of this should be to find, identify and honor the victims, so that this problem never again casts a shadow on the relationship between our countries.

It is worth noting that there is no total ban on the search and exhumation of Polish victims in Ukraine. In November 2019, Ukraine issued two permits to carry out these works on the outskirts of Lviv at the request of the Polish side. Then the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian aggression got in the way. But even under these conditions, Ukraine issued a permit to conduct search operations on the territory of the now defunct village of Puzhnyki, Ternopil region. Work is ongoing there, and the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, recently visited the site.

In turn, the Ukrainian side is also waiting for the restoration in its original form of the memorial tablet on the Ukrainian grave on Mount Monastyr (near Przemyśl - ed .). This is a legal burial where the table was defaced. Then the Polish side restored it, but without the names of the dead. Together with the Polish side, we must do everything possible to return these names and surnames to the tombstone. We believe that this is our request - fair, because everyone has the right to a decent burial and memory, regardless of whether someone likes him or not. And we believe that this will happen, in the spirit of good neighborliness and mutual respect.

#ukraina #wolyn #ekshumacje #wojna #rosja #polska #neuropa #ciekawostki #historia #4konserwy
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@BayzedMan: no spoko skoro mówią, że nie zabraniali to pewnie nie zabraniali xD Dziwne, że oficjalna strona polska ma inne zdanie...

Podkreślił, że "to strona ukraińska, bezpodstawnie zupełnie samodzielnie", bez uzgodnienia ze stroną polską zabroniła prac poszukiwawczych na terenie państwa ukraińskiego. "Już drugi rok nie możemy prowadzić badań. Tym samym Ukraina jest jedynym państwem na świecie, które nam tego zabrania wprost, nawet nie utrudnia, tylko zabrania" - powiedział Szwagrzyk.


@Hekun jak ty sobie wyobrażasz? Gdyby tak Niemcy chciki dokonać ekshumacji na terenie Polski to co? Mogli by sobie tak wjechać bez pozwolenia polskiego rządu? W.jakim świecie wy żyjecie?
I ty wierzysz pachołkom PiSu? Rząd ma wywalone na to wzyzskto, mial wywalone, teraz temat zrobił się gorący to cos zaczęli robić
@Hekun: Ten artykuł jest z stycznia 2019, a zezwolenie wydano w listopadzie 2019, nie udało ci się zmanipulować gościu :D

@Ryneczek Odezwało się miesięczne konto pełne ruskiej propagandy.

Ukraina wyraziła zgodę na dwa miejsca ekshumacji w 2019.

Teraz na jedno. Wow!!

@zeMadafaka: Przeczytaj po angielsku, to zrozumiesz że nie o jedno chodzi tylko o całość xD

Jak ktoś pisze w takim stylu

Jednocześnie on ma nadzieje na odbudowanie pomnika


2019 roku mówisz? To tu masz słowa z 2023:

Prezes IPN odnosił się także do kwestii ewentualnego wznowienia ekshumacji na Wołyniu. - Na dziś nie dostaliśmy zgody na prowadzenie prac ekshumacyjnych. Dotąd nie dostaliśmy odpowiedzi na nasze wnioski z roku 2020 - mówił K. Nawrocki.


Jakoś mam większą wiarę w słowa polskiego prezesa ipn niż ukraińców, np po ostatnich słowach, już z 2023:

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