Wpis z mikrobloga

Prof. Sadler, filozof i youtuber, właśnie rozpoczął live o bieżących rozruchach w USA m. in. w jego mieście (Milwaukee).

Dr. Sadler's Philosophy Pop-Up: Protests, Policing, and Ethics

This philosophy pop-up session focuses on the protests over the killing of George Floyd by MPD officer Derek Chauvin, while his three fellow officers watched and prevented onlookers from intervening. Protests erupted over this weekend, precisely because this was not an isolated incident, and police responses have varied considerably.

I'll be discussing the situation bringing perspectives from ethics to bear on the matters involved. I'll also take questions and comments and address them.

PS: Spodziewajcie się centrysty z przechyłem antytrumpowskim.

#usa #protest #youtube #neuropa #4konserwy #filozofia #etyka #policja
eoneon - Prof. Sadler, filozof i youtuber, właśnie rozpoczął live o bieżących rozruch...