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@visas: w sumie teraz to juz sam nie wiem.

Phenotypical changes occur within three days and include increased muscle mass, changes in skeletal structure, and atrophy of sexual characteristics, both primary and secondary (including body hair).

wg wiki: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Forced_Evolutionary_Virus
Ale pamietam tez (slabo) ze Marcus mowil o korzystaniu z burdelu w New Reno?
Zreszta Todd i tak nasrał na wszystko i dorzucil damskiego super mutka w F76 xD https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Gail
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@OneEyedOldMan no ja też nie XD jak napisałam drugi komentarz to uznałam że w sumie warto się upewnić i znalazłam to :


Super Mutants created on the West Coast by the Master from the first Fallout still have their genitalia. It was a major plot point that they were sterile and unable to produce sexually, dooming the Master's plan of having the Super Mutants become the new, dominant race.

The Super
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