Slavoj Žižek Monitor and Punish? Yes, Please!

Many liberal and Leftist commentators have noted how the coronavirus epidemic serves to justify and legitimize measures of control and regulation of the people that had been till now unthinkable in a Western democratic society. Is the total lockdown of Italy not a totalitarian’s wet dream come true? No wonder that (at least the way it looks now) China, which had already widely practiced modes
sublatiocumlaude - Slavoj Žižek Monitor and Punish? Yes, Please!

 Many liberal and ...

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Slavoj Žižek What I like about coronavirus

‘Europe is approaching a perfect storm,’ he says, before asking whether I’d seen ‘that stupid movie about that fishing boat?’

‘The movie with George Clooney. It was called The Perfect Storm. You know what’s the definition of “perfect storm”? When calamities, like a tornado here and storm there, unite and then their unification multiplies their effect,’ he explained. ‘I think that Europe is now approaching
sublatiocumlaude - Slavoj Žižek What I like about coronavirus

 ‘Europe is approachi...
Slavoj piše lepo:

There is another possibility: a different reading of Hegel’s dialectical process itself, not as the model of “subject-appropriates-substance.” Already decades ago, in the early years of modern ecology, some perspicuous readers of Hegel noted that the Hegelian idealist speculation does not imply an absolute appropriation of nature. In contrast to productive appropriation, speculation lets its other be; it doesn’t intervene into its other. As Frank Ruda pointed out,[7]
@CzerstwaBulka: Sławoj gdy mówi w języku bojowym Jugosłowiańskiej Armii Ludowej nie ma tego rodzaju zdarzeń tak często [1-3] (choć uczciwie trzeba stwierdzić, że niezbyt długo po wydaniu Wzniosłego obiektu ideologii tej charakterystyki angielszczyzny mówionej i prezentowanej również nie ujawniał [4]), a gdy myśleć Žižekowsko to jedynym, poza obowiązkowym więc domyślnym okłamaniem żony i kochanki by wrócić do pokoju-pseudoermitażu niczym Lenin w Alpach jak w znanym żarcie, jest usiąść i odsuwając się
sublatiocumlaude - @CzerstwaBulka: Sławoj gdy mówi w języku bojowym Jugosłowiańskiej ...

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