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#4konserwy #neuropa #zydzi @polonium333

[–]CalloohCalais 26 points 16 hours ago Do you think your ethnically Jewish background and its cultural claims to ethnic superiority (i.e, "The Chosen Ones") have clouded your judgement on this subject in any way? permalink

[–]alphazulu0[S] -18 points 16 hours ago Growing up none of the jews I knew thought we were superior. We were far to neurotic for that. :) But in my family and many other jewish families there's a very strong emphasis on dating and marrying jews - staying within the group and helping to preserve it in future generations. So I think from a young age I was very interested in how we choose our mates and the various cultural and biological factors that influence. us. permalinkparent

Calais 27 points 16 hours ago But in my family and many other jewish families there's a very strong emphasis on dating and marrying jews - staying within the group and helping to preserve it in future generations. So why aren't you targeting your own people for racial mixing and miscegenation? By your own metrics, Jews must be really ugly, due to how homogeneous they are permalinkparent

[–]alphazulu0[S] -11 points 16 hours ago As I said above, I'm not targeting anyone. The rules of genetics apply to everyone. The prevalence of jewish genetic disorders is a direct result of homogeneity. permalinkparent

[–]JonAMC 21 points 12 hours ago* You want diversity for everyone else but yourselves. You dirty bastards. And you wonder why everyone hates you.
  • 6
@PranieMuzgu: Goym know!
Not really, it's hugely damaging to their health. Gene-gene coevolution means that one allele in one gene can be adapted to an allele in another gene. When you see interbreeding between populations that have evolved separately for a long period of time, genetic mismatching can occur. This is one reason African Americans suffer such high rates of heart disease.

The only truth in this is that interbreeding
polonium333 - @PranieMuzgu: Goym know!
Not really, it's hugely damaging to...

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